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CBS Financial is here to provide you with financial advice that is personalised for your needs and help you work towards your goals. We can work with you on a comprehensive range of financial areas or you may prefer to gain our advice on only one or two financial matters.

CBS Financial helps people design and implement financial plans to make the most of life's choices. Everyone should have a financial plan that is regularly reviewed and updated to meet their changing needs.


About Us
Our Clients



Inestment options such available

Saving for your kids

Eduction savings

Direct shares

Young Professionals
Young Professionals
Young Professionals
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Growing the family
Looking to invest
Preparing for Retirement
Living in retirement
Running your own business
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Click here to find out more
Our Services

The professional and qualified advisers at CBS are â€‹here to assist you.  Through the development of personalised strategies and advice we work with you to show you how you can meet your goals.


We offer our clients specialist advice across a range of strategies.  We can guide you with our knowledge, passion and experience.


We're always here to help

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Countrywide Advice Pty Ltd, Countrywide Advice Pty Ltd Trading as J Fleming Financial Services, Graeme Collins Pty Ltd Trading as CBS Financial and GrowUp Financial Pty Ltd Trading as Invest Blue are Corporate Authorised Representatives of Charter Financial Planning Limited ABN 35 002 976 294 AFS Licence and Australian Credit Licence no. 234665 (“our Licensee”), as shown in our Financial Services & Credit Guide.

Principal Address: Level 11, 699 Collins Street, Docklands  VIC 3008

This website contains information that is general in nature. It does not take into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular person. You need to consider your financial situation and needs before making any decisions based on this information.

The Authorised Representative provides you with advisory services in accordance with the disclosures in the Financial Services and Credit Guide. Charter Financial Planning is responsible to you for all conduct.


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